Horley Lions Club

Horley Lions Club CIO   Registered Charity No. 1179840

Serving Horley, Reigate, Redhill and the surrounding Villages


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Message in a Bottle


The running costs associated with the operation of the Horley Lions Club are fully paid for by the members, consequently all the profits raised from fundraising events are donated to Charity.

Like many Lions Clubs we focus on supporting those in need in the local neighbourhood, this could be to a local individual who needs assistance in the purchase of an essential item or to local charitable organisations. Equally we may support a national charity as long as it assists people from our community. However we are also concious of the needs of those in the wider world and will support the appeals often through “Lions Clubs International Foundation” (LCIF).

It is a tradition in the Club that the President selects the Charities that the Club will support during his year in office. This year James Reeves has selected Re-engage (formerly  Contact the Elderly).

On being informed of the Clubs decision to support this Charity Meryl Davies, CEO of Re-engage said We are delighted to have been chosen by the Horley Lions Club as their charity of the year.”

 “Through our work with thousands of the most isolated older people aged 75 and above, we know how widespread the problem of loneliness is, and the impact it can have on physical and mental wellbeing. By working with the Horley Lions Club we hope to work with communities to help us reach the most isolated people in our society. We believe in the power of community, and the power of individuals helping one another.

“We are extremely grateful to the Horley Lions Club in helping us to raise vital funds and work towards creating a more connected society, where no-one has to suffer social isolation in silence.”

Click here for further details on Re-engage.

We supply “Message in a Bottle” and “Message in a Wallet” items for use by those that are on medication or have life threatening conditions. Details of the medication or ailment are entered onto a form which is either placed in the wallet or into the bottle and stored in the refrigerator. A notice is displayed in a conspicuous place in the home so that should the patient be unconscious when the Medics arrive they are aware of the medical details of the condition. These are freely available from Doctor’s Surgeries or Chemists  For further details  please contact  us.

A much needed Defibrillator installed in Horley. After considerable effort we have finally been able to install a defibrillator  in the town. Chic the owner of Seven Sins Tattoo Parlour has been a keen supporter of our Club and has been sponsoring us for many years. This has enabled us to fit the unit outside the New Library in the Town Centre. Our hope is that the need never arises for it to be used but it is reassuring to know that it is there if needed..

It was noticed that all the televisions in the Children’s ward at East Surrey Hospital were not working and it was found that that they had been condemned on safety grounds.

We could not let those Children lie in bed without entertainment and so we approached a local Electrical Retailer, Keymex in Reigate to see if they would assist us in the purchase of ten televisions. They were able to offer a good price and so they were purchased and donated to the Hospital.

They have now all been installed and are keeping the Children amused.

James Reeves

Lion President 2021-22

The Skittles event in September 2021 was a great success enabling last years Lion President, John Dancer to present a cheque for £5,000 to Hamish Turnbull for Parkinson’s UK .  A huge thank you to everyone who attended the Horley Lions Skittles week, we could not have done this without your very kind generosity.